
Learn. Apply. Live Better.

Courses for becoming your best self.

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Positive Psychology Coaching Skills You Can Use Now
Join Lynda Wallace, Jennifer Hanawald, and Phoebe Atkinson for instant access to the slides and recording.

Certificate in Wholebeing Positive Psychology

Experience an in-depth exploration of the science and direct application of positive psychology—the study of flourishing.

Positive Psychology Coaching Certification

Apply the leading-edge science of thriving with evidence-based coaching to help your clients and build a successful practice.

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Evidence-based online courses and immersion experiences for whole person well-being built on evidence based science.

Do you have questions about our courses? Click here to schedule a call or Zoom meet.

Well-being at Work

Cultivating Happiness, Resilience,
and Mental Health in the Workplace
Are you ready to elevate your workplace culture and enhance employee well-being? Together, we can achieve your organization’s well-being goals with tailored strategies designed to foster a healthier, happier workforce.

Take the Next Steps to Happiness

with Megan McDonough

Life is full of inflection points. Divorce, career upheaval, illness, empty nests, retirement, and other life-changing events are full of uncertainty and stress. But what if those difficulties could become the doorways to positive possibilities? When approached in the right way, these challenges hold the opportunity to explore, strengthen, and move towards happiness.

Join Paula Felps and Megan McDonough, Founder of Wholebeing Institute, and see how to take the next step toward happiness. Learn how the challenges you’re facing today — no matter how daunting they seem — actually hold the opportunity to explore, strengthen, and reshape your life.

Why SPIRE for Well-being?

By taking the whole into account, the greatest well-being can be realized. We call that wholebeing; and we use the term as our definition of happiness.

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Work with a coach trained in the Wholebeing approach using a model for positive change.

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Receiving the Gift of Positive Psychology During a Hard Time

By Rachael Gaibel We all encounter challenges, both personally and collectively. What we choose to do in the face of these challenges does make a...

The Links Between Social Health, Friendship, and Kindness

By Nancy Kirsner, PhD, and Phoebe Atkinson, LCSW Results from decades of research keep leading us back to basic common sense: Our relationships...

Progress Over Perfection

by Megan McDonough There’s a common misconception that at some point, the work is done. The project is complete. The finish line has been crossed....

Who Are You Beyond the Roles You Play?

By Megan McDonough I found a photo of myself from my college graduation—a moment brimming with promise as I stepped into the world of nuclear...

Be Still and Lead with Gratitude

By Megan McDonough This morning, I sat in front of the fire, coffee in hand, wondering what to write. The moment itself whispered the answer: Write...
Kathy Washburn

“Wholebeing Institute allowed me to completely turn around a life focused on what I wasn’t good at to focusing on my positive strengths.”

Kathy Washburn Founder, Carved By Cancer
Scott Shapiro, MD

“My psychiatry practice has been re-energized, as I incorporate these Positive Psychology lessons, including how to be more present, listen more deeply and empathically, and be more generous in my own life.”

Scott Shapiro, MD Adult ADHD Psychiatrist + Executive Coach
Rebecca Soni,

“The Certificate in Positive Psychology motivated me to get my ideas shaped into what I wanted to achieve. My final project was a rough version of what RISE became.”

Rebecca Soni,  Six-time Olympic medalist, founder of RISE Elite Athletes
Michael Silverstein,

“The Wholebeing Institute CIPP course has been the most powerful and important training program I have ever been exposed to. I use it every day.”

Michael Silverstein, Private Equity Investor