- Ask your partner to talk about the area of self-criticism that he or she wrote about in this week’s journal reflection.
- As your partner speaks, listen with empathy:
- Now ask your partner to talk you through the C.A.R.E. practice he or she has developed for this area and any experience he or she has had with the practice so far. Listen with empathy.
- Finally, if you partner is interested in committing to a regular practice of self-compassion, ask what he or she intends to do to make that commitment stick and how you might support his or her effort.
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Where the new science of positive psychology meets the ancient practice of yoga.
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A complete Yogaspire course will be rolled out later this year.
You’re invited to get an early sneak peek through this free 7-day overview program, which outlines Yogaspire principles via daily emails for a week, a video describing three simple postures and the science behind each, and a worksheet to help you build awareness of the link between the physical and the psychological each and every day.
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