Certificate in Positive Psychology – Student Testimonials

What our students are saying...

 Catherine Flavin, Partner, Thrive Leadership

Catherine Flavin McDonald

“CiPP’s faculty, diverse student body (international, intergenerational, interdisciplinary), and engaging course design exceeded my high hopes for inspiration to enrich my work as an experienced coach, researcher, and consultant. What’s more—and rather unexpectedly—the program, and the network of amazing people I am now part of, are helping me to cultivate practices that make me even more present and engaged in my whole life. That has far exceeded my expectations in terms of the return on this investment of time, energy and money; indeed, I know I will continue to feel indebted for years to come!”

 Kathleen Silloway, Coach, Certified in Positive Psychology

Kathleen Silloway

“I haven’t gotten to the point of writing a book, or launching my coaching practice (yet), or leading workshops. But I think it’s important to celebrate what the program and the study of Positive Psychology has done for us just as people. In my small group, people were using their newfound skills to support and deepen their relationships with family members. I have found them invaluable in just plain keeping me on an even keel–something that was terribly irregular before CIPP. I now can call on so many tools and strategies and ways to celebrate myself. By being a better, stronger me, I can be a better, stronger friend, mother (I hope!) and coach.”

 Mahesh Pamnani, Consultant, Inspire2Aspire Consulting

Mahesh Pamnani

“Before doing CIPP, I used to lead laughter yoga workshops in the community. All the amazing, simple, practical tools that I learnt in CIPP expanded me and also increased the quality and content of my workshops exponentially. Thanks to WBI, I get to share and create a happy and healthy Hong Kong. I am so happy to be part of this vibrant community of like-minded practitioners and trainers that are making a tremendous difference in the world.”

 Ginny Sassaman, Founder, Happiness Paradigm

Ginny Sassaman

“As one of the co-founders of GNHUSA in 2009 and then the creator of the Happiness Paradigm in 2011, I’ve been devoted to learning about and advocating for greater well-being on both the personal and systemic levels. I tried to learn as much as I could on my own, but when I learned about the CIPP prgram, I knew instantly I had to sign up. CIPP has been so, so helpful — deepening my knowledge, broadening my connections, and providing me with many new tools and concepts to use in everything from sermons to personal coaching. I am so glad I signed up for CIPP!”  www.happinessparadigm.com

 Wendy McLean, Founder and Facilitator, Conscious Parenting Seminars

Wendy Stevens McLean

“The benefits of the CiPP program are lasting and profound. The course far exceeded my expectations, having far reaching effects on my work, my relationships, my family, how I see myself, and how I see the world. Best of all, the faculty inspired me to think bigger, dream more, and share everything I learned with others. I’m honored to be part of the growing CiPP community, a powerful force for change.”

 Donna Martire Miller, Positive Psychology Student, Kripalu

Donna Martire Miller

“CIPP taught me how to access everything good in me and in life. It gave me the tools to transform my self, my family, my students, my agency that teaches parenting, my social work staff and literally any encounter I have. It is the gift that keeps on giving. I look forward to all the future possibilities. The self-imposed shackles of life are gone and I can dance!”

 Debbie Lyn Toomey, RN, Health & Happiness Specialist™, Ultimate Healing Journey, LLC

Debbie Lyn Toomey

“The Certification in Positive Psychology (CIPP) from the Wholebeing Institute has given me the leverage and the language to infuse both science and spirit together in all of my programs. It’s become such a great habit that every sentence that comes out of my mouth has a “mindful” element to it. The awareness that I have learned from it has strengthened my “whole being.” I am so grateful to have taken this curriculum! Every aspect of my life has benefited from this fabulous program. I am so grateful.” 
www.healthandhappinessspecialist.com, www.ultimatehealingjourney.com

 Kimberly Napier, Coach, Speaker and Leadership Trainer, Kimberly Napier, LLC

Kimberly Napier

“I came to the CiPP program in search of a way to help my girls and I heal and move forward six months after my husband’s suicide. This program changed my life. It equipped me with the tools to embrace life again, and to model that for my girls. Through this course, I reconnected with myself and discovered my passion and a new path as a life coach. I now share my learning, experience, and own transformation through coaching and workshops to help others courageously write their next life chapter and elevate their life in their own fulfillment.”

 Trina Bockus, co-owner Derby Lite, LLC

Trina Bockus

“The Certificate in Positive Psychology was more than a class, it was an experience in personal growth and new ways of thinking. I went in looking for ways to be more happy, and left with purpose, meaning and joy. I couldn’t have asked for more.” www.DerbyLite.org

 Hallie Love, Yoga Therapist, Attorney, and Author

Hallie Love

“CIPP is a life-changer! Because of CIPP, I am a better version of myself, excited to be speaking in front of large attorney audiences and teaching Positive Psychology for Lawyers – all things my prior self could not have imagined me doing!”
Author of Yoga for Lawyers – Mind-Body Techniques to Feel Better All the Time, published by the American Bar Association 2014.  www.fitmindbodybrain.com

 Susan Peppercorn, Founder and Principal, Positive Workplace Partners

“Of the many personal and professional benefits I realized from CIPP, two stand out; I learned how to be braver than I ever imagined possible. Second, the science behind positive psychology now informs all of my coaching and corporate workshops in a powerful and compelling way.”

 Sarah Patterson, Wellness Coach, The Woman’s Place Fitness Center

“CiPP was the most life-changing 365 day personal exploration journey that I have EVER been on! I gained so much insight and built a truly authentic relationship with myself, I grew immensely in my professional practice and I bonded with 5 of the most amazingly beautiful people that I have ever met!”