Not only is it a small world, it’s a fragile one. Who would have guessed that the “new normal” would close our neighborhoods, businesses, schools, and industries? The Covid-19 pandemic is overwhelming our thoughts and our lives. But in the midst of a steady stream of worrisome news, there is also an emerging science of hope to help us cope. Hope is the only one of the positive emotions that is activated by uncertainty or negativity. In the world right now, hope thus becomes one of our most precious commodities. Dr. Dan Tomasulo is an expert on hope and is part of a new movement in positive psychology. His latest book, Learned Hopefulness: The Power of Positivity To Overcome Depression, will be published June 1. But you don’t have to wait until then to learn and practice some of the principles. In a special Lunch and Learn workshop on Zoom, Dr. Tomasulo will highlight practical ways to deal with worries and uncertainty and will respond directly to questions.
Dan Tomasulo
Dan Tomasulo is the Academic Director and core faculty at the Spirituality Mind Body Institute, Teachers College, Columbia University. He holds a PhD in psychology, an MFA in writing, and a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. He is also a Review Editor for Frontiers in Psychology’s special section Positive Psychology. Dr. Tomasulo was honored by Sharecare as one of the top 10 online influencers on the issue of depression. His award-winning memoir, American Snake Pit (2018), tells of the first experimental group home releasing inmates from America’s most notorious asylum, Willowbrook. His most recent book, Learned Hopefulness, was described by Martin Seligman as “the best go-to book on how to use hope to relieve your depression.”
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