“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” 

—Albert Einstein


One way to tap into that faith you thought you might have lost is to be aware of signs.

You may not realize it, but the Universe is speaking to you all the time. You may not hear the voice because rather than a shout, it’s more like a tap on your shoulder. A subtle sign that’s not so subtle when you start paying attention.

And like the law of attraction, the more you’re open to the signs, the more the signs will appear.

Spirit speaks to us all the time. We don’t always recognize the messages because they can come in forms we may not have experience with.

People who are good at noticing signs are also great at manifesting through the law of attraction. 

I love how Wayne Dyer talked about people who can manifest their dreams and how they feel about signs or coincidences. In his book The Power of Intention, they’re called “connectors.”

“Connectors aren’t surprised when synchronicity or coincidence brings them the fruits of their intention. They know in their hearts that those seemingly miraculous happenings were brought into their immediate life space because they were already connected to them. Ask connectors about it and they will tell you, ‘Of course, it’s the law of attraction at work.’”

If you’re a connector, you don’t argue with those who don’t believe in the law of attraction, in signs or synchronicities. You won’t waste your time caring what anyone thinks (“What anyone thinks of me is none of my business”), as it will take away your connection to God and Spirit. You’re not here to convince anyone. 

You’re here to enjoy what’s intended for you.

Simply by being you, you raise the energy of the world.

It’s kind of the chicken-or-the egg story. The more you become aware of signs, the more coincidences and signs appear. The more they appear, the more you believe in a higher power and having faith. The more you have faith, the more the signs appear. Think of an infinity symbol: One leads to another and back again.

So how do you notice the signs? The first step is to become aware.

A big sign for me came when I first started Camp Atta Girl! It was truly in my spirit to do so, but I had doubts. Was I trying to do something that was too big for me to attempt? I did a lot of soul searching on whether to hold it or not. 

One Sunday, I drove around looking at event places. I envisioned that the perfect place for Camp Atta Girl! was probably going to be too expensive for me. (I didn’t follow the law of attraction on this one!) It was a first-time event, and I really didn’t have any money to put it on.

I stopped at a place called Camp Lucy. It was a beautiful retreat center with the perfect atmosphere for Camp Atta Girl! 

After driving around the center, I stopped at the front office. It was a Sunday, and I assumed no one would be there. So, I planned to pick up a brochure and follow up on Monday. To my surprise, there was a woman at the front desk who asked if she could help me. I told her what I wanted to do, that I was sure this place was too expensive for me, but that I would love to talk to the event manager on Monday.

The woman smiled, said she was there to pick up some files she needed and that she was the event manager. She took me into her office and listened to what I wanted to do. She said they’re usually booked solid for weddings, but the weekend I was looking for was open. She offered the location to me for $500.

If you know anything about renting event facilities, you know that this was beyond a good deal. I cried right in front of her. 

To me, that was a big sign from Spirit. Any doubts about whether I should create this women’s retreat were erased—well, most of the doubts.

Not all signs we receive are as obvious. But when you open your awareness to the signs, the signs seem to grow bigger and more obvious.

Not all signs are the same. There are different kinds of signs to be aware of.

1. Coincidences

Look for things that seem to be a coincidence: receiving a call from someone you were thinking about, someone giving you a book about a topic that specifically addresses what you’re struggling with, someone giving you a great deal on an event center on the exact day you want to hold your retreat (wink). When these things happen, you’re receiving divine guidance that the direction you’re headed is the right direction. It’s called synchronicity by some. I call them “holy sh*t” or “wow” moments. 


2. It’s Too Hard

If something is too hard, that can also be a sign. I’m not saying never attempt something challenging. But if you want to do something, and it seems like things are getting in the way or everything connected to it seems to be a struggle, if it’s “too hard,” that may be a sign to step back, look at what you want to do, breathe and rest for a while. Problems, delays and roadblocks may be a sign to do something differently. Research what it is that is making it so hard. Ask for additional signs and see what shows up.


3. How You’re Feeling

Depression and lack of passion may be a sign that you’re not living the life the Universe meant for you. By contrast, being full of energy can be a sign you are. Notice how you feel with certain people, certain situations and certain activities. 


4. Notice the Energy

If you practice, you can feel the energy in a room or building. Have you ever walked into a room of people or a conference room and you could feel the tension? The energy can signal that something isn’t right. If you’re applying for a new job, notice how walking into the building feels to you. A heaviness indicates the energy of the company isn’t right for you. A lightness could indicate a happy company where you could grow and thrive. I’ve taken jobs and realized after a month that I should have “listened” to the energy during the interviews. 


6. Don’t Overcomplicate

Signs are all about simplicity. If you receive a sign to do something, don’t waste time trying to figure out the “why” of the sign. Trust it, don’t overanalyze it.  

I’ll end this chapter with one of my biggest signs. Around 11 years ago, I was struggling. I don’t remember what I was going through at the time, but it was a biggie. (Aren’t they all biggies?) I was near Sedona, Arizona, at the time and driving through Oak Creek Canyon—one of the prettiest areas on earth to me. (It’s also the perfect place for a forest bath.) 

I remember driving through tears, asking for a sign that everything would be alright. I didn’t just ask in my mind, I said it out loud and very angrily (sometimes you need to shout to get the Universe’s attention). Less than 30 seconds following my plea, right in front of me appeared this tree—a beautiful Ponderosa pine—that seemed to be all “alone” among all the other trees. (Kind of how I feel at times: I’m a lone tree among all the other saplings.)

The sun seemed to be shining down only on this one tree.

I stopped the car and just sat by that tree in awe. It gave me strength. It gave me courage. It made me feel safe. It was a sign to me, sent immediately upon my calling out for help. 

Almost every year since, I’ve traveled back to Sedona for one purpose: to visit my tree. I often write a note and bury it under the leaves in a waterproof bag. Then when I return a year later, I read the note to see how my life has changed.

That tree is my strength, and I carry that “sign” with me everywhere I go.

You have a sign just waiting for you to notice it. When you feel with all your heart that a sign has been given to you, don’t take that lightly. Signs are Spirit’s way of tapping on your shoulder and telling you to listen or pay attention to something regarding the challenges you face or the dreams you have. If someone taps you on your shoulder, you turn around and acknowledge them. You should also acknowledge Spirit and your signs.

For me, coming across my tree was the Universe tapping me on the shoulder, telling me everything was going to be OK.

Pay attention to Spirit’s taps. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll cause you to slow down and find your tree.

This post is excepted from Lisa Bailey Sullivan’s book Atta Girl!—The Art of Tapping into Your Power and Moxie and Living Fearlessly Happy (in the middle of a sh*tshow).

Lisa Bailey Sullivan

Lisa Bailey Sullivan

Lisa Bailey Sullivan lives in Austin, Texas and is a wife, mom, recovering corporate marketing exec, happiness activist, the CHO (chief happiness officer) of her crazy-happy life living, and a big believer in living in full color. A CiWPP alum and certified Let Your Yoga Dance teacher, she is also certified in Happiness from Tal Ben-Shahar’s Happiness Studies Academy, has attended Google’s Search Inside Yourself training, and is a certified trainer of Mike Dooley’s Infinite Possibilities. Lisa is the founder of Camp Atta Girl!™, a campy and empowering retreat that helps women rediscover their voices, power, self-love, and joy through the combination of positive psychology and Let Your Yoga Dance. She holds corporate training and retreats in happiness, and recently launched two new happiness tools: Finding Your Superpowers Card Deck, which helps individuals and organizations work with Character Strengths in a fun way; and Live Up To Your Word Card Deck that helps people become happier through the power of words. Learn more about Lisa at lisabaileysullivan.com.