Death of a loved one, divorce, illness, disability, and any critical life-changing circumstance can become a springboard for growth and change, and lead to newly created rich and meaningful living. In this session, Harriet Cabelly, social worker and positive psychology coach will lead a conversation about resilience and coping, how to not only survive but thrive in the face of loss and challenge. She is the author of Living Well Despite Adversity: Inspiration for Finding Renewed Meaning and Joy in Your Life. Her work is inspirational and hopeful, showing that we have more strength and inner resources than we realize; we just have to access them.
Harriet Cabelly
Harriet Cabelly is a licensed clinical social worker and positive psychology coach. She counsels clients as they cope and grow through grief and loss, challenges and adversities. She helps them rebuild their lives with renewed purpose and joy. She was one of the coaching experts on 970AM radio program, “The Answer – Conversations with Joan.” She has also appeared on ABC and Fox News as a parenting coach. She facilitates empowering women’s groups as well. Living Well Despite Adversity: Inspiration for Finding Renewed Meaning and Joy in Your Life is her first book.