It really is time to talk about the importance of health and keeping our immune systems strong. Wellness coach, Herbalist and acupuncturist Linda Jackson uses the SPIRE model, spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational and emotional- as a template for whole-being health, helping people identify what they need to enhance their immune systems. Linda will teach us how using herbs, supplements as well as outdoor time, mindfulness or meditation, creativity and a support team of family, friends, healthcare practitioners, therapists, etc. can help us stay healthy. We are all experiencing challenges in our capacity to hold the chaos of our current world situation. If COVID does return (which many think it will), how can we navigate our way so that our immune systems are prepared?
Linda Jackson
Linda’s mission and calling is to teach as many people as possible practices that nurture and build our positive wellbeing, health, and happiness. Linda is an acupuncturist, herbalist, and wellness coach in private practice in Great Barrington. With a Master’s Degree in both Education and Oriental Medicine as well as certification in Positive Psychology and Life Coaching, Linda works with individuals and groups to design pathways to health and general wellbeing. As a founding member of Kripalu Center, Linda’s work is influenced by mindfulness, meditation, and yoga practices that are foundational practices in my own. Visit Linda’s website at for more information.