Cicero once said, “gratitude is the greatest of virtues, and the parent of all others.” When practiced regularly gratitude makes us happier and healthier and improves our sleep and relationships. These are just a few of the many scientifically proven benefits of gratitude. Regularly engaging in simple evidenced based gratitude activities can contribute to increased flourishing. In this interactive webinar, participants will: explore how gratitude works , learn ways to cultivate it and leave with a gratitude challenge which is an invitation to jump start them on a journey of discovery where they can experience the positive benefits of gratitude.
Natalie Hoerner
Natalie Hoerner, a graduate of the Certificate in WholeBeing Positive Psychology, is the founder of Gifts of Gratitude and is licensed in facilitating the WholeBeing Institute’s Inspire Your Ideal Workshop. She also received training at the Sedona Women’s Institute to facilitate workshops and retreats for women. Natalie resides in Orchard Park, NY, with her husband and is a mom to three adult children. Her mission is for her efforts to serve as a beacon of light, hope, love, and peace in the world. You can learn more about Natalie on her website: