The WBI organizing principle for our COVID-19 action is: Take what you need, give what you can. In times of hoarding and fear, the antidote is to share, connect, and serve.
Here’s how we are sharing, connecting, and serving.
1. Practice Mindfulness. We are giving away our 30-Day practice of mindfulness, the Living with EASE course. Share it with whoever needs to strengthen their mindfulness practice (and who doesn’t?).
2. Learn and grow as a group. We are offering substantial group discounts on the What Makes Us Happy(er) course, which focuses on naming emotions (which really helps in times of chaos so we can take right action and calm ourselves as needed), drawing on our character strengths, and recognizing meaning in our life even as it is shifting and changing. Contact us.
3. Connect virtually. We are starting a weekly zoom session called Happier Together: A Give and Take Circle. Physical isolation is needed, not social isolation. We break people into small groups and connect virtually, sharing what we have to give, and asking for what we we need. Join us every Wednesday, beginning March 25 – April 1, 2020
4. Structure the day. I’m hosting a Facebook Live session each weekday morning, Wednesday, March 18 to Friday, March 27, 2020 at 8:00 am, when I will lead a short meditation or breathing exercise. Setting routines in a changing time helps. Join me on our Facebook page to practice.
If you have an offer to share with your community or a need we might be able to fill, post a link in the comments below. We’re all in this together!
Megan McDonough
Megan McDonough is the CEO and founder of Wholebeing Institute, an educational organization teaching the science of human flourishing. With a degree in nuclear medicine, decades of leadership experience, and 25 years of teaching and practicing yoga, Megan combines intellectual understanding with an embodied approach to teaching and leading. She’s an award-winner author of four books on mindfulness. Her work focuses on helping people thrive and organizations to do the same.
Hi Megan, is it possible to have session for Happier Together: A Give and Take Circle at another time? The 9am EST puts it at 1am in New Zealand! I would love to connect at this time.
I wanted to continue on the Positive Psychology course but the boxes wouldn’t allow me to fill in my name and emails
Hi Melanie, we are working to repair the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience.