Course Dates: Monday, September 12—Friday, September 30, 2022
with live webinars held on Tuesdays, 12:00—1:30 pm ET

About This Course
Joy resolves itself, it has been said, while sorrow needs a voice—which is why we so often seek out our journals when dark moments arise. But what would it be like to focus our creative attention in those harsh moments on what inspires, elevates, and strengthens us? What might it be like to fill a page with the noticing of wonder or kindness or sunshine shimmering on water? Helen Keller once wrote, “A happy life consists not in the absence, but in the mastery of hardships,” and our work in the field of positive psychology reminds us that those of us who cultivate a positive perspective are more likely to thrive. We’ll invite in the narratives that honor the difficult while aiming our pen toward the good within and around us, and explore how that aim impacts the stories of our life.
Who This Is For
Anyone who seeks to write or find the words to enable wisdom during this time. For writers, poets, songwriters, scribblers, journal-keepers, and lovers of language. This is a continuation of the Writing/Storytelling courses we offered in the spring, with new prompts and wisdom included. You don’t need to have taken that class or any other writing class to participate in this one! All are welcome.

Wholebeing Institute uses state-of-the-art, user-friendly Zoom technology that allows you to see the faculty via video, watch the slides during the presentation, and participate during live events through your computer or mobile device. Presentation materials and any necessary pre-work or homework will be emailed in advance. Weekly live sessions take place weekly. Recordings will be posted following each session for students who are unable to join live or would like to review the material again.

Schedule and Time Commitment
Live webinars will meet 3 times, weekly on Tuesdays. Each live session runs 90 minutes. Every lesson will be recorded for viewing at your convenience if you are unable to join at that time.

Each session will offer pre-work and homework assignments supporting the weekly themes. This work is not mandatory, but suggested. In addition, each week, as part of the live lessons, we will share quotes, phrases, writing prompts, and reading recommendations to deepen our work and inspire us to put pen to paper. We expect that the weekly time commitment, should you choose to do all the pre-work/homework and attend the lesson or listen to the recording, will be two to three hours.

Maria Sirois, Psy.D.

Dr. Maria Sirois is a master teacher, facilitator and author. She is devoted to the science of well-being and the art of crafting a life and a work that embodies health, passion and success. As a positive psychologist (Psy.D.) and consultant, she focuses on the resilience of the human spirit particularly when under chronic stress, during significant transitions, and/or feeling the shock of wholesale change. Known for her wisdom, authenticity and humor, she brings a wealth of perspective from decades of study in the mind/body medicine and resilience disciplines. Maria is a longstanding faculty member at Wholebeing Institute and offers a number of courses, including the Certificate in Wholebeing Positive Psychology. She is the author of two books: A Short Course in Happiness After Loss (And Other Dark, Difficult Times) and Every Day Counts. Her home is in the Berkshire Mountains where she attempts on a daily basis to love her children well enough so that they too find a way to embrace the world with a grounded optimism and a sense of their own strengths. And on most days, she remembers to feed the cat.

“Maria shows participants where the good is, and guides your personal writing sojourn toward happiness. I felt empowered to breathe into deeper insight, love, and life through my writing.”

Registration Information

Tuition for this course is $149. USD