Dates: October 22 to October 23, 2022
Over the last few years, Wholebeing Institute and the JCC have worked together to connect community through the practical tools of positive psychology, increasing the available resources to address the unprecedented challenges of our time. Rather than go it alone, we have found strength in each other. We have shined brighter together than we could standing alone.
This Wholebeing Weekend celebrates our collective sparkle—the relief that comes when we realize we’re not alone, and the joy that comes from playing together.
This event is open to all those interested in:
✲ Recalling all we’ve learned through the challenges we’ve faced—and revisiting expert advice in the context of community development
✲ Nourishing hope and creating space for future possibilities.
From Saturday, October 22, to Sunday, October 23, 2022, we will gather for this Wholebeing Weekend at the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan.
The flow follows the Wholebeing learning experience—learning from experts, embodying the lessons for yourself, and connecting within a community.
6:00—6:30 pm
Registration in Lobby
6:30—7:30 pm
Getting Connected with with Phoebe Atkinson, Megha Nancy Buttenheim, Caroline Kohles, and Winalee Zeeb
7:30—8:00 pm
Welcome and Why, with Megan McDonough
Coffee and Tea in the Lobby
Sociometry and Movement, with Phoebe Atkinson, Megha Nancy Buttenheim, Caroline Kohles, and Winalee Zeeb
Positive Psychology in Connection: Beyond the Self with Megan McDonough and Henrique Bueno
We can work really hard at self-improvement, viewing well-being as an individual endeavor or a personal pursuit. We can use grit and perseverance to muscle through the tough times. But what if we don’t need to shoulder difficulties alone? In fact, our individual well-being is deeply interconnected with others’. In this session, you’ll explore the interconnected self—the opportunity to move from a view of separateness into an awakened sense of an interdependent self. By drawing on awareness bigger than oneself, you change your experience today, even in the most challenging of times.
Contraction/Expansion: Learning to Protect One’s Boundaries in Order to Expand into Our Collective Contributions with Maria Sirois
We say no to say yes. And the more we become skillful at contracting into what is most true and healthful for us, the wiser we become at where to place our attention and our energy. We each come to life with certain yesses—gifts, skills, talents, perspectives, and offerings that are ours to give. If we deplete ourselves with poor boundaries, we have little to offer and those gifts become small or distorted, even hidden away. When, however, we support our own well-being by clarifying what we are here to provide, what is not ours to provide, and how we best navigate the boundaries between, we create an internal knowing that activates vitality and will and expansiveness—which together activate a better life for ourselves and for the individuals and collectives we touch.
5-5:30 pm
5:45-6:15 pm
6:30-7:15 pm
Celebratory Sociometry and Movement with Phoebe Atkinson, Megha Nancy Buttenheim, Caroline Kohles, and Winalee Zeeb
This weekend is open to all those interested in navigating challenges while moving towards better, both experienced positive psychology practitioners and those new to the practice.
Megan McDonough
Maria Sirois, PsyD
Dan Tomasulo, PhD
is one of the top 10 online influencers on the issue of depression. He is the Academic Director and a core faculty member at the Spirituality Mind Body Institute, Teachers College, Columbia University. He holds a PhD in psychology, MFA in writing, and Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. Dan authors the daily column “Ask the Therapist,” as well as the “Learned Hopefulness” blog for, and developed the Dare to Be Happy experiential workshops for Kripalu. He is the author of the award-winning memoir, American Snake Pit, and his most recent book is Learned Hopefulness, the Power of Positivity to Overcome Depression.
Henrique Bueno
Phoebe Atkinson
Megha Nancy Buttenheim
Caroline Kohles
Winalee Zeeb
Registration Information
Tuition for this event is
$275 USD Before Oct 17
Accommodations are not included.
Click here for a list of suggested hotels from JCC Manhattan.