Ruth Pearce, JD, PMP, CCT, ACC, CiC
Ruth Pearce runs In It Together Group Coaching as part of A Lever Long Enough (ALLE LLC- Project Motivator), supporting and coaching managers and team members to transform the workplace into a community. An avid proponent of focusing on what works, Ruth starts with character strengths as a powerful way to forge connections between team members in a safe way. Her vision is to bring the art and science of character strengths and community building to project managers. Based on twenty years of direct experience in the field supported by extensive study and research in the science of Character Strengths and Positive Psychology, Ruth’s book Be a Project Motivator: Unlock the Secrets of Strengths-Based Project Management was published in November 2018.
In addition to running her own business, Ruth is the VIA Product and Practice Development Consultant, working with the VIA Institute on Character team to develop new tools, courses and directions for the practice of Character Strengths.
Ruth also trains coaches to be coaches with the Center for Coaching Certification