Registration is now open!

Course Dates: Monday, February 17, 2025–Friday, January 22, 2026

Live webinar sessions: Third Tuesday of each month from 12:00–1:30 pm ET.
*Live sessions will be recorded.

Over a 12-month period, you are invited to experience a journey within … a journey of pausing and reflection, of conversation and listening, of courage and of transformation.

This is a course for those who are in transition, for those who are ready to invest deeply in the self, and for those who are devoted to contributing beyond the self by being true to what is unique and good within us. Each month, through recorded lessons, live webinars, and reflection prompts, we will explore themes that support a consideration of what might be needed in order to shape our lives heroically—that is, honestly, courageously, and with a clear focus of attention on what matters most.

Lessons will offer words of encouragement and of challenge from poets, storytellers, philosophers, and the ordinary heroes of our days, as well as the scientists and psychologists who help us understand what works and what might yet be possible as we curate our futures.
Key Principles and Assumptions
  1. Our internal life drives much of how we see the world and see ourselves in it.
  2. Positive psychology has brought much goodness through its emphasis on orienting toward the good and asking questions that open perspective.
  3. At a certain point in life, we either take the risk of recreating our lives or run the risk of our lives being based on assumptions that may no longer serve us.
  4. We would all prefer, given the chance, to live well and to die well.
  5. Not everyone can do everything, but we all can, through mindful attention, find our way to perspectives and daily approaches that are life-giving.
  6. Most of us are doing the best we can most of the time.
  7. All is interconnected.
  8. Growth doesn’t occur without effort.
  9. It is always about us and it is never just about us.
  10. Synchronicities matter.

Maria Sirois, Psy.D.

Dr. Sirois is a positive psychologist and seminar leader who teaches internationally at the intersection of resilience and flourishing. She is a long-standing faculty member at Wholebeing Institute and has been serving the international positive psychology community for decades. 

Known for her wisdom, authenticity and humor, she brings invigorating practices and perspectives to all her work. She is the author of two books, A Short Course in Happiness After Loss (And Other Dark, Difficult Times) and Every Day Counts. Learn more at

Who This Course Is For

This course is for anyone seeking to build internal and external structures, practices, and perspectives that will sustain you for the next phase of your life. Whether you have done nothing like this in the past and/or whether you are a seeker and questioner, this is a chance to recalibrate and define the principles and compass points of the journey ahead.

This course is meant for you if any of these resonate:

✻ If you feel like there must be more for you
✻ If you are in transition and want to enter the next phase with a deep awareness of who you are and what matters most to you
✻ If you feel like you have no idea what you are doing or if you are doing it all right
✻ If you have had enough of supporting other people’s dreams and are ready to focus on your own
✻ If you feel like there must be more for you
✻ If you’d like to make an impact beyond your own space and life
✻ If you have always wanted to give yourself the chance to be courageous or creative or filled with a sense of meaning
✻ If you are ready to see yourself anew, with loving, caring eyes
✻ If boredom haunts you
✻ If everything you know how to do to fill your well no longer feels as potent as it once did
✻ If you’d like to give yourself the chance to be with yourself for more than a few moments each week and see what happens
✻ If the thought of living more fully excites you
✻ If the thought of dying with things just as they are scares you
✻ If you have a sneaking suspicion that there are untapped voices within you

Course Themes

Section 1: Foundational Understandings
✻ What Wisdom Requires
✻ The Soft and Appreciative Gaze
✻ Lineage and Legacy

Section 3: The Northern Stars
✻ The Light Triad and Our Better Selves
✻ The Courageous Beat of the Heart
✻ Beauty, Goodness, and the Invitation of the Natural Kingdoms

Section 2: The Truth of the Matter
✻ Minding Our Minds
✻ Raising Hope
✻ In Medias Res: The Story Yet Untold

Section 4: The Grand View
✻ Angels, Allies and Other Guiding Voices
✻ Death, Gratitude and the Impermanence of Things
✻ Holding it All: The View at the Top of the Mountain

Schedule and Time Commitment

This course meets on the third Tuesday of each month from 12:00–1:30 pm ET.

Classes will run between 60 and 90 minutes; we recommend setting aside 90 minutes for each session. Sessions will be recorded to watch at your convenience. 

Here are the dates of our live sessions:

  • Feb 18, 2025
  • March18
  • April 15
  • May 20
  • June 17
  • July 15
  • August 19
  • Sept. 16
  • Oct. 21
  • Nov. 18
  • Dec. 16
  • Jan. 20, 2026

Each month, you will be invited to participate in the following course offerings:

✓ Watch a brief (5-10 minutes) pre-recorded video on the theme of the month.
✓ Participate in one live webinar, between 60 and 90 minutes.
✓ Try one practice, consider one perspective, or explore one new way of being between lessons.

✓ Bonus Material: Two weeks after each webinar, you will receive an email from me reminding you of any homework, and offering a bit of bonus material for your enjoyment.

✓ The expected time commitment per month is 2 hours of learning, and as much time as you choose to engage in for your own practice!

This course rus from February 17, 2025 to January 22, 2026

Tuition for this year-long course

$297 USD

Registration is open!