with Maria Sirois

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The pandemic, global economic and political challenges, concern about the well-being of our planet, and continued violence and oppression in hot spots everywhere have given us a complicated context in which to rethink what we know to be true about growth through difficult moments toward opportunity.
This course offers a fresh look at the foundational strategies for building resilience in light of emerging perspectives—perspectives that emphasize the essential nature of connection and whole-person well-being in buffering against stress. For coaches, consultants, therapists, and leaders, this work is essential for those we serve and for our own well-being.

Designed for those of us new to the study of resilience as well as those who have practiced for years, this course will draw on the latest research in positive psychology and explore novel applications of familiar tools. We’ll look at how to shift our experience of each moment and each day, while also crafting the future—through goal-setting, visioning, and planning for inevitable obstacles as we move toward a healthier, happier, and more generative life.

And, as we build resilient capacity within ourselves, we will uncover how this might positively influence the larger systems within which we participate. We can no longer afford to think of these studies as personal and individual; to contribute to a better world, we must begin to shape our understanding and action around the circles of impact we already have in our daily life, and those we wish to create.  

Over the four weeks of our course, we will address the most potent resilience-focused questions of this time through the lens of positive psychology:
✦ What do we now know about resilience?

✦ What are the foundational skills, and how might we use them in new ways?

✦ How do we transform setbacks, losses, and failures into opportunities for bolstering capacity?

✦ As we build resilience capacity within ourselves, how might this constructively influence the larger systems within which we participate?

Key Principles
This course is based on the following principles:
✓ Resilience is learned, and can be upleveled at any time.

✓ Resilience is about far more than getting through a single difficult moment. Rather, it is a practice—a daily application of tools that supports us to experience a better present and craft a better future.

✓ We determine much of our experience of living.

✓ We are responsible for our own well-being and for our impact on others. We must learn to understand the circles we influence now, and those we seek to influence moving forward.

✓ Our practice of whole-person well-being affects not just our own life, but also the lives of those we love, work with, care for, and seek to inspire.

Who This Course Is For

This course is for those who are in difficult straits at this time, and for those who are in a time of flow. 

It is for those of us who seek to influence others in positive directions—our coaches, consultants, therapists, educators, and leaders.

It is for those who wish to increase their self-care while showing up for the obligations most meaningful to them. 

It is for those who seek to build resilience and those who seek to teach resilience.

It is for those new to the field, and also those who have been studying and practicing for years.  

If you took The Resilient Quest or Crafting a Resilient Life with Maria, you will find that this course offers a deeper exploration of that material, a larger context for exploring those skills and strategies, and a re-visioning of what resilience can be, given what we know now to be true. This course brings a much clearer systemic focus—a personal and global focus—as well as pointed attention to mapping out resilience strategies over the next two years.

Essentially, this course is for anyone who wants to magnify their capacity under stress, create a vision for living better, bring expanded wisdom to moments of opportunity, and experience life with greater calm and positivity.


Dr. Maria Sirois is an inspirational speaker, consultant, and licensed psychologist who has worked in the fields of resilience and positive psychology for more than 30 years. As a longstanding faculty member of Wholebeing Institute, she has offered resilience trainings globally for a decade. Her work focuses on the capacity of the human spirit when under chronic stress, during significant transitions, and/or experiencing the shock of wholesale change or loss. Maria is the author of two books, A Short Course in Happiness After Loss and Every Day Counts. www.mariasirois.com.


This user-friendly course will be offered via webinar so you can participate in the manner and at the time of day that best suits your schedule. Students will be able to easily connect to live sessions by webinar (audio and video) or phone (audio only). Recordings will be posted following each session for those unable to join live or who would like to review the material again.
Schedule and Time Commitment

Participants will be invited to complete pre-work, which may consist of readings, videos, and journal questions. Homework prompts will be given at the end of each session; homework is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Lessons will be 90 minutes each; pre-work, homework, and recommended readings may take another one to two hours, at most, per week. 

✦ Online engagement is also fostered within the discussion forum, where students and faculty connect for questions and conversations about the course material.

✦ Live sessions are on Tuesdays from 12:00–1:30 pm ET. The course includes four live webinars, with recordings available for anyone unable to join live.

This course runs from Oct 23 to Nov 17, 2023

Tuition for this course: $595

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