The good news: Positive change is possible. The not-so-good news? There’s no magic wand we can wave, with an “Abracadabra,” to instill a good habit.
Although there is no magic wand, there is a way we can move toward our best self: by taking small steps in a desired direction over a period of time, which shapes our biology and our experience.
Here’s an example from Megan McDonough, CEO of Wholebeing Institute, of her personal practice of mindfulness, from another course.
This positive action is a key focus in the 9-month Certificate in Positive Psychology program. After coming to the immersion, you decide what habit you want to practice. Then, in a supportive environment of rich forum conversations and virtual conversations, you move closer to your intended direction through daily action.
As Lao Tzu says, “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” Join us for the Certificate in Positive Psychology course, and head in a constructive, positive direction, toward your dreams and your best self.